[Watch] Arctic Monkeys Live at T In The Park (Full Set)

Arctic Monkeys have been playing headline shows for a while now, and they've gotten pretty damn good at it. Back in 2007 when they got asked to headline Glastonbury for the first time, the band hadn't even been to the festival as punters. Their rise has been meteoric and they're not slowing down for anyone, doing their own thing, evolving with each record. Last night they closed T In The Park in their new found slick fashion with a career spanning set-list which featured an acoustic performance of the old classic; "A Certain Romance". As Alex walks out on stage and begins to play he can hear Disclosure's set in the next tent and begins performing in time to the Brothers' set. If like me, you're struggling with some post-weekend blues, check over your shoulder for your boss, put your headphones in and click play on the video below and waste some of your Monday with the Sheffield lads done good. It's their entire set from what will be the last TITP to take place at the Balado venue. Watch a bit of history go down and enjoy the chants of "Here we fucking go!". 


[Listen] Interpol - "Ancient Ways"


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