[News] Mike Skinner To Release Memoirs: 'The End of the Streets'

The SKoA camp were more than a little upset when Mike Skinner announced that The Streets' album Computers and Blues was to be his last. Recently though, Mike has been back up to his old antics on Twitter and talking about all kinds of things. One of those things is his Memoirs which are soon to be released. Skinner's book will be titled The End of the Streets and was written with Ben Thompson, who's worked on autobiographical material with Russell Brand and comedian Vic Reeves in the past. It'll be available to add to your book collection come the 29th of March and comes complete with a tonne of unseen photographs from Mike's past including some old family pics. See above for a picture of Skinner on his first day of school! The pictures were given to him by his Mum and on his site, regarding the above pic, he stated: "my first day at school. and strong emotions for me because my little girl starts nursery this week. circle of life shit. lion king and that."

The 352 page book can be peeped over at Amazon.co.uk so mark your calendar for a day of geeking up on Mr. Mike Skinner.


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