[Watch] Tennis - "Origins" (Official Video)

Today, Denver, CO indie pop band Tennis released their sophomore album Young & Old, and to celebrate the release, the group has unveiled the brand new video for their single "Origins." Premiering on RollingStone.com, the video sees masked gunmen chasing after an unknown man, all of whom are on skis, through the chilling Rocky Mountains, in a scene that could be taken directly out of old James Bond reels. When asked about the grainy footage, which was all shot painstakingly by the band's friend Richard Law, Tennis leading lady Alaina Moore said, "He [Richard Law] is a master at making original footage look like found footage, if you like that sort of thing, which we do. None of these shots were borrowed," she says. "Every ridiculously old looking frame was painstakingly shot during a snowstorm in the Rockies." Check it out above.

Young & Old is out now via Fat Possum.


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