[News] Azealia Banks to Release Debut LP 'Broke With Expensive Taste' in September

In a recent interview with Nylon Magazine, Azealia Banks, the quickly rising Brooklyn MC, revealed that she would be releasing her debut studio album this September and that it would be titled Broke With Expensive Taste. She went further to explain that "the theme is a young girl trying to find it... Success! Herself! Her path! The young girl trying to make it! That girl who's at the end of her childhood trying to get a job and make some money, you know? She needs to get what she can get! She needs to go out there and show people she knows how to work for it."

Those are all of the details available so far, but be sure to expect additional details in the coming months, and for now, after the jump, you can check out the video for Banks' banger "212."


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