[Watch] Passion Pit - "Take A Walk" (Video)

The video for Passion Pit's latest single, "Take A Walk" was unveiled earlier today and it is the first video in months that kept my eyes glued on it in a really enjoyable way. The video was directed by David Wilson, who was inspired by Osamu Tezkua's animated short, "Jumping", which to him seemed like a natural fit for a starting point because of the bouncy rhythm of the song.

I was only a little ways into the video and I found myself thinking, "I would DIE to see the making of this video beacause I would have no idea where to start doing something like this". For those of you who are thinking the same, The Creators Project will be premiering the making-of video for "Take A Walk" in the next week-ish, so be on the lookout for that.

And the countdown to Gossamer's release on July 24th continues.


[Watch] Azealia Banks - "Liquorice" (Official Video)


[Watch & Download] Harlan - "Dirty Laundry (Don Henley cover)"