diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023


diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023 βœ…

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[Watch] Marilyn Manson - 'Born Villain' (Short NSFW Video) Directed by Shia LaBeouf

Well, Shia LaBeouf's cinematography skills seem to have impressed a certain Mr. Manson and after seeing Shia's work on Kid Cudi's "Maniac", "he freaked the fuck out," according to MTV. Going on Marilyn Manson then said "I want you to do my video." and here we are at the next chapter in Marilyn Manson's weird and wonderful career. The video/short film is a six minute piece that draws imagery from the songs content.When talking to MTV LeBeouf went on to explain that:"The song has all these references to 'Macbeth' and all this Shakespeare and heavy theology, so we tried to make Manson's 'Un Chien Andalou' macabre 'Macbeth' — that's sort of what that became." 

You can watch the freaky as hell video after the jump and I have to admit it's a pretty damn good piece of eye candy, but not in your usual fluffy bunnies and rainbow glitter kind of way. I warn you now it is VERY NSFW so actually, I advise you not to watch it at work, my boss walked over to me whilst I was and was all like: "SHEY WTF IS THAT!? etc etc", so yeah, save it for lunch and hide in a corner or something. Hopefully more news will com soon regarding Manson's new album. For now, Enjoy the film: Born Villain, after the jump and go thank our boys over at Antiquiet for the heads up. On a side note, happy Friday people!

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