diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023


diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023 βœ…

Sasquatch! 2013, festivals, recap Adrian Sasquatch! 2013, festivals, recap Adrian

[Sasquatch! 2013] Recap: Day Four

Monday arrived, the final day of Sasquatch! 2013. Despite worsening weather conditions, the upbeat attitudes were still going strong. After a decent Friday and memorable performances on Saturday and Sunday, day four continued to impress. Seriously, who could complain with bands like CHVRCHES, Disclosure, Alt-J, Steve Aoki, Dirty Projectors, Toro Y Moi, P.O.S and The Postal Service? The final day proved a worthy close to the festival, solidifying the heartiness of attendees and the strong breadth of its lineup. It also revealed the downfalls of four days of continuous music and intoxicants. Read after the jump for my take on the closing day of Sasquatch!.

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Reviews Shey Reviews Shey

[Watch] Steve Aoki - "Ladi Dadi" Feat. Wynter Gordon (Official Video)

Ever wanted to see Steve Aoki get the crap beaten out of him by a girl? Nah, me neither but that's what you're about to watch if you make the jump. It's the official video for his Wynter Gordon featuring track "Ladi Dadi". The very club friendly tracks video sees a fight break out between Steve and Wynter who were about to eat some lobster in a very nice looking pad. Watch the video to see the end result courtesy of Rolling Stone.

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festivals, Tour kibbe festivals, Tour kibbe

Calvin Harrs Added To Pacific Festival: OC Lineup

Pacific Festival: OC has just announced that our favorite "non-singer" of a producer Calvin Harris has been added to the 2011 lineup. It will be Calvin's first time performing in Orange County. The 2nd Annual event will take place on August 13, 2011 at Oak Canyon Ranch at Irvine Lake in Orange County, CA.

Some early bird tickets for both general admission and VIP are already available, so you'll want to head over to the Pacific Festival:OC's Eventbrite page for more information. 

For the rest of the lineup, have a look after the jump!

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