diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023


diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023 βœ…

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[Watch and Download] Darwin Deez - "Up In The Clouds"

"Up In The Clouds" is the insanely catchy single from NYer Darwin Deez, available now on iTunes.  

If you can't get enough of the video, you should definitely check out the two remixes below. Personally, I can't get enough of the Jake Bullit remix. It really plays off the strong points of the song. 

[Download] Darwin Deez - "Up In The Clouds (Jake Bullit remix)"

[Download] Darwin Deez - "Up In The Clouds (Mr Flash remix)" 

Deez is also hitting up the UK in October. You should definitely check him out if he's heading your way. 

Tour dates after the jump!

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