diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023


diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023 βœ…

Coachella, Reviews, Tour Adrian Coachella, Reviews, Tour Adrian

[Watch] Coachella Highlights (So Far): Radiohead, Bon Iver, St. Vincent, Arctic Monkeys, Frank Ocean, Pulp, and More

With two days of Coachella 2012 come and gone, footage from numerous artists' sets have surfaced, many of which are full performances. After the jump, you can watch full performances by Radiohead, St. Vincent, Arctic Monkeys, Pulp, A$AP Rocky, M83, Frank Ocean, and Azealia Banks. Also worth watching is Bon Iver's live performance of "The Wolves," Childish Gambino delivering a new remix of "You Know Me" with the help of Danny Brown and Kendrick Lamar, and Refused performing both "Liberation Frequency" and "New Noise."

As well, the entirety of Refused's full set can be heard in audio form at Dailymotion, and, as Pitchfork points out, St. Vincent performed her new Record Store Day single "KROKODIL" during her set, which you can hear starting at the 37:45 mark.

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